All entries by this author

The Chairman’s Report for April 1, 2019

Apr 1st, 2019 | By

Can we stop Amazon’s support of Islamic organizations that promote hate? / Southern Poverty Law Center now has half a billion dollars in assets! / The liberal elites corrupted our society … Now they want to censor us. / Diaper program funded for April and May … Next fund transfer in June. / Nigeria orphanage: Gruel for breakfast with one egg every other day.

November 12, 2010 – Washington, DC

Nov 16th, 2010 | By
Arianna Huffington with Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Imam Feisal Rauf

George W. Bush won’t endorse Ground Zero mosque that Obama approves of / Muslim staffers invite terrorists to Capitol Hill / Lame ducks and new recruits come to the Hill / Court takes over building owned by Ground Zero imam / The marriage of Islam and the far left / Muslims protest during ceremonial silence

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Chairman’s Report for November 10, 2010

Nov 10th, 2010 | By

THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE “THE THREE MOSQUE-TEERS” – That was the headline at the New York Post on October 29th. The sub-headline under that was “Mike, GZ imam & Arianna in ‘holy’ alliance.” This may sound like a funny headline for a photo of a far leftwing blogger with the mayor of New York and

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November 5, 2010 – Washington, DC

Nov 5th, 2010 | By

Obama’s race based politics fail / Huckabee leads Obama in polls / Pelosi just won’t go despite defeat / Blacks and Hispanics a part of new GOP Congress / The evangelical vote changed the Congress / Be afraid of the marriage of the far left and Islam / More Christians murdered in Iraq NEW OCT

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October 22, 2010 – Washington, DC

Oct 22nd, 2010 | By

Obama drops Creator from Declaration of Independence / Who is the biggest “outside” election donor? / The politically correct firing of Juan Williams by NPR / Award for Judge Bork / Saudi prince dumps the Ground Zero mosque imam / Muslims bomb bus in Philippines / Muslims attack church in Pakistan / Three things about Islam

Chariman’s Report for October 21, 2010

Oct 21st, 2010 | By

THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE THE PETITION CAMPAIGN – Normally organizations collecting petitions on a particular issue will hold them until there are enough for a photo opportunity, delivering several boxes of them at a time. We at the Religious Freedom Coalition have decided not to hold our Ground Zero mosque petitions for a photo-op, but

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October 15, 2010 – Washington, DC

Oct 15th, 2010 | By

Obama and the rule of law / New movie on Obama: I want your money / Obama and religious freedom / What will happen November 2nd? / 50% of US debt held by foreigners / Cartoon fear strikes US newspapers / no 911 mosque / Iran arrests more in stoning case / Iran leader taunts

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October 8, 2010 – Washington, DC

Oct 8th, 2010 | By

Even more jobs lost this week / Obama’s answer to job loss – spend more tax dollars / Congress adjourned but what will happen in the lame duck session? / Muslim American terrorist: “My oath to America was a lie” / Our tax dollars discover bar room brawls are started by drunks / Ground Zero

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October 1, 2010 – Washington, DC

Oct 1st, 2010 | By

October 1, 2010 – Washington, DC Democrat tired of defending Obama / Department of Education to “authorize” colleges and universities / No federal tax rates or budget passed for next year / Clowns in Congress call a comedian to testify? / UN passed laws to tell you how to raise your kids / House supports

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Chairman’s Report for October 1, 2010

Oct 1st, 2010 | By

TAKING AMERICA BACK TAKING AMERICA BACK – World Net Daily’s “Taking America Back” conference was held in Miami, Florida on September 16, 17, and 18. Speakers included Alan Keyes, Jerry Corsi and former Senator Jeremiah Denton.  Aaron Klein and I spoke on Islamic issues and we served on a panel on Islam with Alan Keyes,

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