RFC Newsletters

The Chairman’s Report for October 26, 2018

Oct 26th, 2018 | By

In this issue of the newsletter / Christmas for Refugees “matching gift challenge” underway / Christmas for Refugees will set up program for children in the “West Bank” / Diapers for Refugees program totally funded for 2018 * 2 million diapers! / HR-390 is still stalled in the Senate . . . Senator Rand Paul is trying to help!

The Chairman’s Report For September 28, 2018

Sep 28th, 2018 | By

In this issue of the newsletter / Helping Syrian Christians rebuild, beginning with a Christmas celebration / Two million diapers will be distributed to Christian refugee families this year / Christmas planning moves forward, first funds sent for preparations / Washington: Letter to Trump from 20 groups on persecution in Nigeria

The Chairman’s Report For September 14, 2018

Sep 14th, 2018 | By

In this issue of the newsletter \  Working toward a Christmas for Refugees program in Syria this year. \ Special summer camp for Iraqi Christian children in Jordan a great success! \ A million more diapers delivered to Christian babies in Iraq … Can we do it? \ HR-390 – Just a few months for Congress to act to pass critical bill

The Chairman’s Report For August 17, 2018

Aug 17th, 2018 | By

In this issue of the newsletter / Landmark events held in Washington for religious freedom / We participate The State Department and religious freedom – A new beginning? / Diapers for Refugees program continues in Iraq.  What about Syria? /  Christmas for Refugees program begins planning in Lebanon and Iraq

The Chairman’s Report For August 3, 2018

Aug 3rd, 2018 | By
A small truck arrives with parts for new water system being supplied by the Religious Freedom Coalition.

In this issue of the newsletter: Construction at Nigerian orphanage – New water system by start of school! / Christians die in attacks in Plateau State near our orphanage mission / Widespread left-wing attack on the Religious Freedom Coalition / Christmas for Refugees funding is down at time expansion is needed. More information on our programs in the Middle East to aid Christians.

The Chairman’s Report for July 6, 2018

Jul 6th, 2018 | By

In this issue of the newsletter / New playground for young children at Christian summer camp in Jordan / New mosque built at entrance to Christian youth camp – No houses in sight! / Huge advance for Diapers for Refugees – Program more than doubled! / Update: Expanded ministry in Christian town liberated from the Islamic State

The Chairman’s Report For June 22,2018

Jun 22nd, 2018 | By
Chairman William Murray traveled to Iraq to help with the diaper deliveries and distributions in June.

In this issue of the newsletter: Amazon claims Religious Freedom Coalition is a “hate group” – No donations / Anti-Semitic groups such as CAIR receive funds from Amazon programs /Diapers for Refugees is a “hate group” because it helps Christian babies / Huge expansion of Diaper Program / New well for orphanage in Nigeria

The Chairman’s Report for May 25, 2018

May 25th, 2018 | By
William J. Murray with survivors of the Agatu church massacre. Note that the roof is missing. The inside of the church was set on fire so there are no pews or chairs.

In this issue of the newsletter / A Christian state in Nigeria under siege – Muslim president ignores violence / Slaughter in church during a service – A visit to the site of the massacre / A fancy reception with an Ambassador but the diplomats see no evil / Visit to camp for Christians displaced by Islamic violence is heartbreaking

The Chairman’s Report For April 27, 2018

Apr 27th, 2018 | By

In this issue of the newsletter Update:  Inspection of Christian homes destroyed by Muslim raiders – 26 dead / Easter celebration at Christian orphanage in Nigeria – Much help needed / Easter morning service held at bombed church / Meeting with victims / Visit to church where 113 murdered during service by Muslim invaders

The Chairman’s Report for March 30, 2018

Mar 30th, 2018 | By
One of the many Christian homes destroyed by Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria.

In this issue of the newsletter
Attacks by Muslim raiders near orphanage we support,
Values Action Team – The Senate VAT wakes up for religious freedom,
 International Religious Freedom roundtable begins at the State Department,
Post Card program on HR-390 continues – Did your Senators contact you?