RFC Newsletters

The Chairman’s Report for March 13, 2018

Mar 13th, 2018 | By

In this issue of the newsletter
Meeting with our new Ambassador for International Religious Freedom,
Christian refugees sent back to Iran – but rich Iranians can buy a Green Card,
Our Nigerian mission continues despite new kidnappings of school girls,
Diaper program expands in Iraq / Post Card program on HR-390 continues

The Chairman’s Report for February 16, 2018

Feb 16th, 2018 | By

In this issue of the newsletter
Update:  Capitol Hill – HR-390 postcard campaign restarted for 2018/
State Department may send 100 Christians back to Iran – Why?
Sam Brownback is now Ambassador for International Religious Freedom/
Nigeria orphanage trip; Diaper program expanding in Iraq

The Chairman’s Report for January 19, 2018

Jan 19th, 2018 | By

In this issue of the newsletter
Update: Christmas in Qaraqosh … Taking Jesus back to an ancient Christian town/ Update: Three events held rebuilt church hall that was destroyed by the Islamic State/ Update: More about our mission to the West Bank – Dinner with tortured Christians/ New: Can we do more in northern Nigeria to help persecuted Christians?

The Chairman’s Report for January 5th, 2018

Jan 5th, 2018 | By
Nearly 300 Iraqi and Syrian Christian refugee children play a game similar to "Simon says" during a Christmas celebration in Amman. Christmas, 2017

Christmas events for Christian refugee children is now in four countries!
Nigeria, held it’s first Christmas for Refugees event at an orphanage in the heart of the conflict zone. In Lebanon each child received a meal and a toy, usually a board game that could be shared at home, or Gospel themed coloring and work books. The families received double thick blankets. These blankets were manufactured in Lebanon by a non-profit organization made up of Syrian refugees.

The Chairman’s Report for November 24, 2017

Nov 28th, 2017 | By

The Religious Freedom Coalition is moving forward with plans for our Christmas for Refugees program in Iraq. In some cases, the only question that remains is where the children will be. One of the new towns in which we intended to hold a Christmas program was Telskuf. It now appears that the children who would have been there, will be back in camps in Dohuk Province.

Chairman’s Report for October 17, 2017

Oct 19th, 2017 | By

In this issue of the newsletter: Syria and Iraq Genocide Relief bill gutted in Senate by one Senator – Why? /
Will Iraq continue to let us bring aid to Christian refugees in Kurdish region? / Matching Challenge begins for Christmas program – it could finance program! / Kurdish crisis traps Iraqi ministry’s general manager in America

Chairman’s Report for September 29, 2017

Sep 27th, 2017 | By

In this issue of the newsletter: Will President Trump help get the Syria and Iraq Genocide Relief bill passed? / Water delivery program to Christian camp in Iraq continues through December / 160,000 diapers purchased for distribution in Iraq – adult diapers still needed! / Changes to the Christmas program, as needs of refugee families change

The Chairman’s Report for September 1, 2017

Sep 1st, 2017 | By

In this issue of the newsletter
State Department: My first worthwhile meeting at State in over eight years./
“Aid to victims of genocide” bill passes House, held up in Senate by petty feud/
Christian refugees returning to Syria, but not to Iraq/
Islamic State loses ground in some places but gains in others/
State Department Meeting

Chairman’s Report for August 11, 2017

Aug 11th, 2017 | By

In this issue of the newsletter: Report from Qaraqosh: Families receive food, hygiene supplies and diapers / Report from Dohuk, Iraq: Meeting with Assyrian leaders / Aid for Camp Odrana / Report from Jordan: Security updates at Christian summer camp complete / Children from traditional Christian families find personal relationship with Jesus

Chairman’s Report for July 14, 2017

Jul 17th, 2017 | By

In this issue of the newsletter: Report from Iraq: Threats at Christian IDP compound – “must be cut” / Four camps for displaced Christian families visited – Diapers distributed / Downtown Erbil – Christian women cannot go into street alone / Small Christian IDP camp needs more than 47,000 gallons of water per month