RFC Newsletters

Chairman’s Report for June 30, 2017

Jun 30th, 2017 | By

In this issue of the newsletter Update:   HR-390 has passed the House – Your letters and calls made the difference Update:   HR-390 must now pass the Senate under “rules of suspension” New:        Family of concert suicide bomber fought on US side in Libya New:        Obama/Hillary “Grand Plan” for Middle East spread jihadist terror WE WON

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The Chairman’s Report for June 2, 2017

Jun 6th, 2017 | By

In this issue of the newsletter: Christian summer camp in Jordan will meet government deadline / Religious Freedom Coalition pays for camp fencing, floodlights and cameras / America’s plan to defeat ISIL: Give weapons to the enemy of our enemy / Still no vote on HR-390 and Leadership stalls bill in the House

The Chairman’s Report for May 12, 2017

May 12th, 2017 | By

In this issue of the newsletter Update:   Post Cards to Congress Campaign – Congress swamped with post cards Update:   Calls to Congressional leaders needed to move HR-390 forward Update:   Iraqi ministry calls for help: Expanded Christmas and diaper programs? New:        Jordanian authorities demand changes at Christian summer camp Congress swamped with HR-390 post cards HR

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Chairman’s Report For April 12, 2017

Apr 12th, 2017 | By
William J. Murray and Congressman Trent Franks

In this issue of the newsletter: Postcards to Congress Campaign – Victory as HR- 390 passes committee / Visits with congressmen and Senators increase to support HR-390 / Diapers for Refugees program delivery in March – feminine products added / Did Assad, already winning a war, use a weapon of desperation?

Chairman’s Report For March 17, 2017

Mar 17th, 2017 | By

In this issue of the newsletter New:        Radical feminists rally around leader who is convicted Muslim terrorist Update:   United Nations should not be the ones “vetting” refugees to the US Update:   New wave of Christian refugees flee city of Mosul where they were trapped Convicted Muslim terrorist leading “Women’s March” Woman gained US citizenship after

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Chairman’s Report for February 24

Feb 22nd, 2017 | By

In this issue of the newsletter: CIA “anti-terrorism” award goes to a Saudi Prince in line for throne / “Travel ban” blocked our Iraqi ministry partner from entering USA / United Nations should have no part in “vetting” refugees / Second year of Diapers for Refugees program begins in March!

Chairman’s Report For January 27, 2017

Jan 27th, 2017 | By

In this issue of the newsletter New:   The “Nobel Peace Prize President” goes to war – Again and again and again New:   The Deep State led the “Peace President” to war but didn’t win even once New:   The CIA supported Clinton – Attacked Donald Trump when he won New:    Why did the “Deep State” try

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Chairman’s Report For January 6, 2017

Jan 6th, 2017 | By

In this issue of the newsletter Update:   Christmas for Refugees program exceeds expectations in Iraq Update:   As many as 525 Christian refugee children at each Christmas party Update:   Christmas for Refugees expands in Jordan, as terror attacks increase           New:      Christian town of Qaraqosh in ruins; may have Christmas event in 2017 Cultural center used

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Chairman’s Report For December 2, 2016

Dec 2nd, 2016 | By

In this issue of the newsletter: Christmas Program may expand to liberated areas in Iraq / Will Donald Trump stop Obama’s arms flow to Islamic fighters? /New bill by congresswoman to stop arming Sunni Muslim fighters in Syria / Bills in Congress to help Christian refugees will be refiled in 115th Congress

Chairman’s Report for November 4, 2016

Nov 16th, 2016 | By

In this issue of the newsletter: Christmas for Refugees matching challenge – How it began and how it works / More Sunni Muslim violence in Jordan as Christmas approaches / September distribution of diapers to Iraqi Christian refugees successful / Obama’s social radical pick for Supreme Court confirmation in January?