Posts Tagged ‘ Amazon ’

The Chairman’s Report for April 1, 2019

Apr 1st, 2019 | By

Can we stop Amazon’s support of Islamic organizations that promote hate? / Southern Poverty Law Center now has half a billion dollars in assets! / The liberal elites corrupted our society … Now they want to censor us. / Diaper program funded for April and May … Next fund transfer in June. / Nigeria orphanage: Gruel for breakfast with one egg every other day.

Amazon Supports Stoning Women To Death

Nov 5th, 2018 | By

Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest man, funnels money to this radical Islamist group that wants to establish Sharia law in the UK through his Amazon Smile program. At the same time he blocks funds to a Christian organization aiding Christian refugees

The Chairman’s Report For June 22,2018

Jun 22nd, 2018 | By
Chairman William Murray traveled to Iraq to help with the diaper deliveries and distributions in June.

In this issue of the newsletter: Amazon claims Religious Freedom Coalition is a “hate group” – No donations / Anti-Semitic groups such as CAIR receive funds from Amazon programs /Diapers for Refugees is a “hate group” because it helps Christian babies / Huge expansion of Diaper Program / New well for orphanage in Nigeria