Posts Tagged ‘ Boko Haram ’

The Chairman’s Report for August 9, 2019

Aug 9th, 2019 | By

Our farm for orphanage in Nigeria preparing to yield first crop / No longer just plain gruel for children at the orphanage – We supply protein / Our forum with Boko Haram survivor a success in Washington / What was the real impact of the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom?

Our Event at the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom

Aug 5th, 2019 | By

On the first day of the multi-day event, the Religious Freedom Coalition, in conjunction with the Africa Conference of Christians, held an event featuring the sole survivor of a Sunni Muslim Boko Haram attack. Read about Ike and the rest of our event here.

The Story of Esther

Aug 1st, 2019 | By

Esther was among many survivors of religious persecution that the State Department brought to Washington, DC for the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom. Here is a fact: More Christians are murdered for their faith in Nigeria every year than all other killings based on religion in the entire world.

A Sole Survivor of a Boko Haram Attack Shares His Story

Jul 25th, 2019 | By

The Religious Freedom Coalition held an event during the multi-day Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom in Washington, D.C. The feature speaker at our event, Ike, is a sole survivor of a Boko Haram attack in Nigeria.

Construction of new water system underway

Aug 3rd, 2018 | By
These are the new water tanks that will sit on top of the new water towers which have not yet been delivered. This is not a small project.

In April of this year, when I visited the Nigerian orphanage that the Religious Freedom Coalition supports, the available water was marginal.  There was only one running tap for over 200 children and the squatting toilets did not flush.

Visit to a bombed church

Apr 17th, 2018 | By
Car the suicide bomber drove on the grounds of the church as a reminder.

On Easter Sunday, I attended one of the churches that had been bombed in 2012.  That was a bad year for church bombings in Nigeria; many hundreds died and thousands were injured while in worship services at their churches.

Nigeria’s Forgotten Persecuted Christians

Feb 22nd, 2017 | By

Every day, Christians in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, face persecution because of their faith. Not only are they targeted by their Muslim neighbors, but also by a government that continuously chooses to look the other way while such persecution occurs. Journalist Douglas Murray sat down with a Nigerian Christian woman named Deborah, 31, who

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Christian Persecution on the Rise

Oct 31st, 2016 | By

According to European Union’s special enjoy Jay Figel, the persecution of Christians is getting worse and up to 75 percent of the world’s population now lives without religious freedom. In an interview with Premier Christian Radio on October 27, the International Freedom of Religion or Belief Day, Figel said that the majority of the world’s

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Caliphate over Africa:  The Islamic State’s Boko Haram Franchise

Apr 1st, 2015 | By
Young Christian women display signs asking for the return of their sisters kidnapped by the Boko Haram

Nigerian human rights lawyer Emmanuel Ogebe discussed a “New Arc of Evil: The Boko Haram/ISIS Merger” during the Hudson Institute panel ib March. Ogebe and his fellow panelists examined the dangerous, bloody ramifications of unity between Nigeria’s Boko Haram jihadists and their similarly brutal allies in the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

Chairman’s Report May 16, 2014

May 28th, 2014 | By

In this issue:  RFC chairman prays on steps of Supreme Court – / National Day of Prayer events in Washington, DC / Supreme Court rules prayer before public events no unconstitutional / U.S. aid supporting Islamic terrorists / Leftist Hollywood discovers sharia