Posts Tagged ‘ Chairman’s Report ’

The Chairman’s Report for July 12, 2019

Jul 15th, 2019 | By

Day by day description of an eight-day mission to the Middle East / Summer Camp improvements in Jordan for Christian youth / Day care center air conditioners installed and working well for children / Diaper program in Iraq well, but more adult diapers needed for infirm

The Chairman’s Report for May 24, 2019

May 28th, 2019 | By

Saudi Arabia’s “royal” family exposes its evil heart to the world / Sunni Islam is the mother of almost all terror attacks against innocent people / Roof of chapel at Nigerian orphanage collapses – New farm being cleared / Making the case on Capitol Hill that Christians really do face persecution

The Chairman’s Report for April 1, 2019

Apr 1st, 2019 | By

Can we stop Amazon’s support of Islamic organizations that promote hate? / Southern Poverty Law Center now has half a billion dollars in assets! / The liberal elites corrupted our society … Now they want to censor us. / Diaper program funded for April and May … Next fund transfer in June. / Nigeria orphanage: Gruel for breakfast with one egg every other day.

The Chairman’s Report for January 21, 2019

Jan 23rd, 2019 | By

First Christmas party for isolated Christian children in Bethlehem / First Christmas events for displaced Christian children in Syria / Most events ever for Christmas for Refugees in Jordan – Both Iraqi and Syrian / First Diaper distributions in Jordan for the Diapers for Refugees program

The Chairman’s Report For September 14, 2018

Sep 14th, 2018 | By

In this issue of the newsletter \  Working toward a Christmas for Refugees program in Syria this year. \ Special summer camp for Iraqi Christian children in Jordan a great success! \ A million more diapers delivered to Christian babies in Iraq … Can we do it? \ HR-390 – Just a few months for Congress to act to pass critical bill

The Chairman’s Report For April 27, 2018

Apr 27th, 2018 | By

In this issue of the newsletter Update:  Inspection of Christian homes destroyed by Muslim raiders – 26 dead / Easter celebration at Christian orphanage in Nigeria – Much help needed / Easter morning service held at bombed church / Meeting with victims / Visit to church where 113 murdered during service by Muslim invaders

The Chairman’s Report for March 30, 2018

Mar 30th, 2018 | By
One of the many Christian homes destroyed by Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria.

In this issue of the newsletter
Attacks by Muslim raiders near orphanage we support,
Values Action Team – The Senate VAT wakes up for religious freedom,
 International Religious Freedom roundtable begins at the State Department,
Post Card program on HR-390 continues – Did your Senators contact you?

The Chairman’s Report for March 13, 2018

Mar 13th, 2018 | By

In this issue of the newsletter
Meeting with our new Ambassador for International Religious Freedom,
Christian refugees sent back to Iran – but rich Iranians can buy a Green Card,
Our Nigerian mission continues despite new kidnappings of school girls,
Diaper program expands in Iraq / Post Card program on HR-390 continues