Posts Tagged ‘ Christian refugees ’

Air Conditioning for Holy Land Day Care Center

Jun 20th, 2019 | By

A few weeks ago, I received distressing news about a day care center in Beit Sahour, a Christian area inside the Bethlehem “governate.” The day care, with 117 children age four and under, had only one of seven rooms with a working air conditioner.

Diapers for Refugees Update

Jun 18th, 2019 | By

I received the first request for adult diapers in 2018. Our team had been so centered on the babies and toddlers and their needs that the idea of adult diapers had never been considered. I did not think there would be a big demand for the adult diapers. I was wrong!

The Chairman’s Report for May 24, 2019

May 28th, 2019 | By

Saudi Arabia’s “royal” family exposes its evil heart to the world / Sunni Islam is the mother of almost all terror attacks against innocent people / Roof of chapel at Nigerian orphanage collapses – New farm being cleared / Making the case on Capitol Hill that Christians really do face persecution

Christmas for Refugees Events in Jordan

Jan 16th, 2019 | By

A number of Christmas for Refugees events were held in Jordan this year. At one of the Christmas parties, every single one of the children present was from Iraq. In Qaraqosh the party lasted almost four hours, with different types of entertainment and of course all pointing to the real reason for Christmas, the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Chairman’s Report For September 28, 2018

Sep 28th, 2018 | By

In this issue of the newsletter / Helping Syrian Christians rebuild, beginning with a Christmas celebration / Two million diapers will be distributed to Christian refugee families this year / Christmas planning moves forward, first funds sent for preparations / Washington: Letter to Trump from 20 groups on persecution in Nigeria

Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp in Benue State

May 17th, 2018 | By
William J. Murray arrives at an IDP camp with aid for Christians who were forced to flee from their homes by Muslim attackers

Before arriving at the IDP camp we stopped by the “Modern Market” We were there to buy diapers and feminine products, as we had been told there was a desperate need for them at this particular camp.

Chairman’s Report for October 17, 2017

Oct 19th, 2017 | By

In this issue of the newsletter: Syria and Iraq Genocide Relief bill gutted in Senate by one Senator – Why? /
Will Iraq continue to let us bring aid to Christian refugees in Kurdish region? / Matching Challenge begins for Christmas program – it could finance program! / Kurdish crisis traps Iraqi ministry’s general manager in America

Chairman’s Report for September 29, 2017

Sep 27th, 2017 | By

In this issue of the newsletter: Will President Trump help get the Syria and Iraq Genocide Relief bill passed? / Water delivery program to Christian camp in Iraq continues through December / 160,000 diapers purchased for distribution in Iraq – adult diapers still needed! / Changes to the Christmas program, as needs of refugee families change

Quarterly Diaper Shipment Underway

Sep 22nd, 2017 | By

Early this year I pushed hard to fund the Diapers for Refugees program 100% by the end of summer to free up our fund-raising activities for the Christmas for Refugees program. The goal for infant diapers was $72,000 and in total we raised $75,095. I announced in the Chairman’s Report and on the Diapers for Refugees Internet site that our goal had been reached. I wish I had not done that.

Chairman’s Report for August 11, 2017

Aug 11th, 2017 | By

In this issue of the newsletter: Report from Qaraqosh: Families receive food, hygiene supplies and diapers / Report from Dohuk, Iraq: Meeting with Assyrian leaders / Aid for Camp Odrana / Report from Jordan: Security updates at Christian summer camp complete / Children from traditional Christian families find personal relationship with Jesus