Posts Tagged ‘ Christians ’

The Chairman’s Report for July 12, 2019

Jul 15th, 2019 | By

Day by day description of an eight-day mission to the Middle East / Summer Camp improvements in Jordan for Christian youth / Day care center air conditioners installed and working well for children / Diaper program in Iraq well, but more adult diapers needed for infirm

Construction of new water system underway

Aug 3rd, 2018 | By
These are the new water tanks that will sit on top of the new water towers which have not yet been delivered. This is not a small project.

In April of this year, when I visited the Nigerian orphanage that the Religious Freedom Coalition supports, the available water was marginal.  There was only one running tap for over 200 children and the squatting toilets did not flush.

Major problems for our Iraqi missions programs

Oct 20th, 2017 | By

The Kurds held an “independence vote” to create an independent state. The reaction of the Iraqi government was to shut down airline operations into the Kurdish region including the Erbil airport. The closure causes great problems for our aid programs in Iraq including the upcoming Christmas program for this year. Costs for aid may increase as consumer goods are goods become difficult to find.

Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act Hijacked by Neocons

Sep 28th, 2017 | By

Senator Corker has crossed out every single line of the simple anti-genocide language in HR-390 authored by Congressmen Chris Smith. Senator Corker’s version of the bill makes little mention of the victims of genocide, which include Christians, Yazidis, and Shia Muslims.

The Forgotten Assyrian Christians

Aug 4th, 2017 | By

As with the Kurds, the Assyrians are also a distinct ethnic group, although not treated as such by the West despite their rather high-profile history during Old Testament times. In 721 B.C., the Assyrians captured Samaria and essentially ended the northern kingdom of Israel, carrying off the Israelites as slaves. Later the Assyrians laid siege to Jerusalem.

Spreading Hope to Christians in The Middle East

Mar 28th, 2017 | By

Israel has allocated radio broadcast frequency to an American Evangelical Christian radio network that will broadcast messages of hope to people in Syria, Lebanon, Cyprus and Jordan, with expanded nighttime coverage into Turkey and Egypt. The VOICE OF HOPE – AM 1287 broadcasts in Arabic and English to the Arab population, especially those under religious

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Iraqi Palace of Mirrors: Kurds Block Aid To Christian Militia

Jan 4th, 2017 | By

The Christian town of Qaraqosh, Iraq, located on the Nineveh Plain, is in ruins. It is far worse than its appearance, which is bad enough.

Chairman’s Report For December 2, 2016

Dec 2nd, 2016 | By

In this issue of the newsletter: Christmas Program may expand to liberated areas in Iraq / Will Donald Trump stop Obama’s arms flow to Islamic fighters? /New bill by congresswoman to stop arming Sunni Muslim fighters in Syria / Bills in Congress to help Christian refugees will be refiled in 115th Congress

Thanksgiving Day 2016

Nov 24th, 2016 | By

Real Meaning of Thanksgiving –

Thanksgiving in America has clearly been about giving thanks to God, up until the last half of the 20th Century. The early documents of the nation, even from the Continental Congress, show the meaning of Thanksgiving as intended by the nation’s Founders as a day of reverence to God

One Allah Akbar flag removed, another raised over church: Christians still live under Sharia Law

Nov 16th, 2016 | By

One Allah Akbar flag removed, another raised over church: This photo of the Iraqi national flag being raised over a church in the Christian town of Bartella, Iraq when the town was liberated from the Islamic State (ISIS) in October appeared in newspapers and major Internet news sites all over the world. Many news agencies

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