Posts Tagged ‘ Persecuted Christians ’

Air Conditioning Units Installed in Bethlehem Day Care Center

Jul 9th, 2019 | By

Air conditioning units have been installed at the day care center in Bethlehem, just in time for the hot summer months. Christian children now have a cool, safe environment where they can learn more about God while their parents work.

Charity Navigator joins Southern Poverty Law Center in the attack against the Religious Freedom Coalition

Jun 27th, 2019 | By

Charity Navigator takes dishonest and misleading measures to join the Southern Poverty Law Center in shining negative light on the Religious Freedom Coalition.

Returned from the Middle East

Jul 13th, 2018 | By

The reality of attacks on Christianity can still be seen in Iraq. At a church the Cross on Sunday School doors has been desecrated and the writing of the Islamic State still says, “The Cross must be broken” The church as looted just as were Christian homes and businesses.

Why the sudden rush for passage of HR-390?

May 18th, 2018 | By

The bill was on hold by the Senate Leadership until the last week of April, when it was suddenly put on  a “fast track” as an election tool to get Christians to vote Republican this fall. But it simply was not the same bill that passed the House last year and Senator Rand Paul was right to put a hold on it until Senator Corker’s language is removed.

Christmas for Refugees Program Varies to Meet Local Needs

Sep 18th, 2017 | By

In 2017 the Christmas program will grow – more Christian refugee children will have a warm place, with a good meal and a program of spiritual growth where Christ is the center. Our goal is to restore the hope many have lost, by telling them how Jesus can be with them forever!

Christians Return to Syria- But Not to Iraq

Sep 11th, 2017 | By
Chairman William Murray traveled to Iraq to help with the diaper deliveries and distributions in June.

Exclusive: William Murray notes how Assad government better protects minority rights, originally posted on WND Christians in the Middle East are voting with their feet for the government of President Assad in Syria. With all that American government officials and the news media have said to condemn the secular government of Syria, surely no one

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Dear-Colleague Letter Regarding Reports of Roll Back of Genocide Declaration

Jul 28th, 2017 | By

A dear-colleague letter authored by Reps. Smith, Eshoo, Fortenberry, and Franks, regarding reports that some in the State Department are seeking to roll back the declaration of genocide against religious minorities in Iraq and Syria by ISIS is currently circulating to supporters of the HR 390 bill.

NGOs Sign Letter to Senate Leaders in Support of HR 390

Jul 14th, 2017 | By

Religious Freedom Coalition Chairman, William J. Murray signed a letter to Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer demanding unanimous consent for the bipartisan bill H.R. 390, The Iraq and Syria Genocide Emergency Relief and Accountability Act. Other signers are Nina Shea, Director of Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom; David

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Chairman’s Report for June 30, 2017

Jun 30th, 2017 | By

In this issue of the newsletter Update:   HR-390 has passed the House – Your letters and calls made the difference Update:   HR-390 must now pass the Senate under “rules of suspension” New:        Family of concert suicide bomber fought on US side in Libya New:        Obama/Hillary “Grand Plan” for Middle East spread jihadist terror WE WON

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March and June Diapers for Refugees

May 15th, 2017 | By

In March more than $18,000 was transferred to our ministry partner in Iraq to begin year two of the Diapers for Refugees program. The first distribution of 160,000 diapers was conducted last year in March. The cost has remained stable over the last year and our cost for absorbent, high quality diapers made in Turkey

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