Posts Tagged ‘ Religious Freedom ’

Our Event at the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom

Aug 5th, 2019 | By

On the first day of the multi-day event, the Religious Freedom Coalition, in conjunction with the Africa Conference of Christians, held an event featuring the sole survivor of a Sunni Muslim Boko Haram attack. Read about Ike and the rest of our event here.

The Story of Esther

Aug 1st, 2019 | By

Esther was among many survivors of religious persecution that the State Department brought to Washington, DC for the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom. Here is a fact: More Christians are murdered for their faith in Nigeria every year than all other killings based on religion in the entire world.

The Chairman’s Report for July 12, 2019

Jul 15th, 2019 | By

Day by day description of an eight-day mission to the Middle East / Summer Camp improvements in Jordan for Christian youth / Day care center air conditioners installed and working well for children / Diaper program in Iraq well, but more adult diapers needed for infirm

Nigeria Orphanage Update

Jul 3rd, 2019 | By

The generous supporters of the Religious Freedom Coalition have sent sufficient funds to also allow us to purchase protein for every child in the orphanage for three meals a day for the rest of the year! The growing farm keeps the children fed and allows them to learn farming as they take on self responsibility.

The Chairman’s Report for May 24, 2019

May 28th, 2019 | By

Saudi Arabia’s “royal” family exposes its evil heart to the world / Sunni Islam is the mother of almost all terror attacks against innocent people / Roof of chapel at Nigerian orphanage collapses – New farm being cleared / Making the case on Capitol Hill that Christians really do face persecution

The Chairman’s Report for April 26, 2019

Apr 29th, 2019 | By

Working on Capitol Hill to expose the murders of Christians in Nigeria / Senator Rand Paul will quote me in his new book on socialism / Food for Nigeria orphanage – Helping start a farm to feed themselves / Diapers for Refugees – More adult diapers for special needs elderly

William J. Murray Addresses Current Issues

Mar 29th, 2019 | By

Current national issues are addressed by William J. Murray. We are living inside the “The Emperor has no clothes” fairytale. There are people who are pointing and saying “the emperor has no clothes” but no one wants to listen to them yet.

How you can help: Nigerian Orphanage and Diapers for Refugees

Mar 25th, 2019 | By

The orphanage we support in Nigeria’s Plateau State has requested help with feeding the kids and we also need help to maintain the amount of diapers supplied to refugees in the Middle East. How can you help?

The Chairman’s Report for March 15, 2019

Mar 15th, 2019 | By

In this issue of the newsletter / Results of the survey of Religious Freedom Coalition supporters / Diapers for Refugees and Christmas for Refugees top the survey / Capitol Hill / religious freedom work very important and must continue / Our Amicus brief for jailed Christian friend has been filed in Supreme Court!

What do Supporters Want to See from Diapers for Refugees in 2019?

Mar 8th, 2019 | By

At the end of January, I sent a letter to supporters of the RFC asking for advice on which programs we should emphasize this year. The Diapers for Refugees program was the clear favorite of those who chose a ministry program they wanted to support.