Posts Tagged ‘ Sunni Muslims ’

Nigeria Orphanage Update

Jul 3rd, 2019 | By

The generous supporters of the Religious Freedom Coalition have sent sufficient funds to also allow us to purchase protein for every child in the orphanage for three meals a day for the rest of the year! The growing farm keeps the children fed and allows them to learn farming as they take on self responsibility.

Sons of Sunni Immigrants Bring Death to America

Oct 7th, 2016 | By

Exclusive for WND by William J Murray. The Obama administration has laid the ground work for a Hillary Clinton administration to increase the total number of refugees admitted into the United States during the 2017 fiscal year to 110,000 – a 57.2 percent increase from the 69,933 in 2015 and a 29.4 percent increase from

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Chairman’s Report for August 19, 2016

Aug 19th, 2016 | By
First truck of diapers being unloaded on March 8th at our partner warehouse in Iraq.

In this issue of the newsletter: Sunni Muslim employees of the United Nations “vet” Syrian refugees / Obama Administration surge of Sunni Muslims “refugees” continue / Mainstream media hides the real horror of Christian persecution / September diaper delivery moves forward with Christmas program