Posts Tagged ‘ William Murray ’

The Chairman’s Report for July 12, 2019

Jul 15th, 2019 | By

Day by day description of an eight-day mission to the Middle East / Summer Camp improvements in Jordan for Christian youth / Day care center air conditioners installed and working well for children / Diaper program in Iraq well, but more adult diapers needed for infirm

Charity Navigator joins Southern Poverty Law Center in the attack against the Religious Freedom Coalition

Jun 27th, 2019 | By

Charity Navigator takes dishonest and misleading measures to join the Southern Poverty Law Center in shining negative light on the Religious Freedom Coalition.

Incredibly Evil Heart of Saudi Arabia

May 17th, 2019 | By

A young Saudi man was about to board a plane to America to pursue his education at the University of West Michigan when he was arrested, beaten for years, and recently beheaded. His crime? Favor of democracy. In this article, William J. Murray sheds light on the hard truth of Saudi terror that many have tried to keep under wraps for so long.


Jun 13th, 2018 | By

“As you are likely aware, the SPLC has listed RFC on its ‘Hate Map.’ … Accordingly, RFC is not eligible to receive charitable donations from the AmazonSmile Foundation. Should you have any questions regarding the SPLC’s inclusion of RFC on its Hate Map, we encourage you to contact SPLC,”

Original HR-390 language must be reinstated

Feb 6th, 2018 | By

The original bill had three main purposes:  First, HR-390 would give assistance for victims of genocide; Second, HR-390 demanded accountability for the perpetrators of genocide and Third, HR-390 would give Christian victims of genocide priority refugee status.

Huckabee Show: William Murray exposes attacks on Syrian Christian town

Aug 5th, 2013 | By
William Murray and Gov Mike Huckabee

Religious Freedom Coalition Chairman William J. Murray appeared on the Mike Huckabee Report August 5th, 2013 to discuss the car bombing in the majority Christian city of Jaramana in Syria and other atrocities against Christians in Syria by the Barack Obama supported Islamists.

China today and human rights

Jul 18th, 2013 | By

William J. Murray on China at a Capitol religious freedom rally: “Bentleys and Buicks are everywhere on the overcrowded roads, and the trains and planes are full of the Middle Class and wealthy Chinese enjoying the newly obtained trophies of their labors. Among the people there is no concern for those who fall through the cracks in the society, either economically or socially. China is a model of America without a soul.”

Report From Washington – March 15, 2013

Mar 15th, 2013 | By
Christians persecuted

In this issue: U.S. supports jihadists now? / Obama wants to remove “right to life” from UN declaration /White House silent on Saudi persecution of Christians / No tax dollars for jihadists / Senator may help Christians in Saudi Arabia / Using the Fax Congress system / New Pope should defend religious liberty / France: Frenchmen fight on both sides / UK Muslim MP blames Jews for his 16 day stay in jail for killing man / Australia: Wilders warns of Islam / Bangladesh: Hindus meet same fate as Christians / Join me in fact finding trip to Israe

Report From Washington – February 22, 2013

Feb 22nd, 2013 | By
US blocks UN resolution condemning car bomb that killed 53 including children

In this issue: Obama and the Saudi Royals / White House: Some car bombs are not as bad as others / The great sequester scare / Muslim beheads Christians in New Jersey / In Europe the victim is to blame / CAIR: There is no Islamic terror / Abandoned Muslim kids must be raised as Muslims / Disappearing Coptic girls / Fifty Islamic attacks in Thailand in two days / 9-11: The Jews did it

Report From Washington – February 15, 2013

Feb 15th, 2013 | By

In this issue: Rubio’s response to Obama / Ft. Hood hero says “Obama betrayed us” / Obama stunned at Prayer Breakfast / McCain rationalizes the arming of Islamists / Moveguide Gala / Violence prooves the weakness of Islam / UK: Moderate mosque hosts fund raiser for terrorist / Germany: churches converted to mosques / Thailand: 16 Muslims die attacking army base